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Bonhomie: The Reunion

Bonhomie at Glance

The old school of thought has always cherished the times they spent in School and College.

In fact, after moving from the Dry and Arid zones of everyday living the sanctity of moving from a rigid present to a glorious but INDECISIVE PAST is one of the greatest highs of life.

The “Alumnus” has been a favorite topic for writers and poets for centuries.  Thomas Hughes created his characters to churn hearts. Tom Brown, the pupil a mid-term newcomer to Rugby School who learns many life lessons there. This book in its epilogue talks of the how Tom returns to his school after years only to feel the comfort and carefree life of a time that actually made him for what he was. The visit cleanses him.

The Anand International College of Engineering has always doused its culture with a thought to create an ambiance that ricochets good times and a fantastic learning environment. The Alumnus for us is the shimmer that we created in the hearts of young Men and Women over the years and for those beautiful people who were edgy and curious about a future that would make them capable of surviving in a world of intense competition and whom we together groomed.

Old Pals and the Knick Knacks of college have been fondly woven into the program that we have customized for our fledglings. Our coordinators have brought together a series of two-day activities that would brighten up even the most mundane routines.

Day one would see all of us sitting around Bon Fires created out of warmth and Bonhomie. The tunes and ambiance of a wintery evening would certainly create a whiff of comradery and goodwill.  Day Two will see all of us Running a Marathon to promote the virtues of Team spirit and Teamwork. The fun and frolic of the “Carnival” will make sure you taste the irresistible charm of going carefree and off the grid. Food will undoubtedly strike the magic of celebration while paper lanterns rise to the dark skies with a message of brotherhood.

These are just some of the major highlights for the Alumni meet on the 23rd and 24th December 2018. The rest of the itinerary remains a closely guarded secret. There cannot be a more profound wish for one and all at Anand than to meet all of you and relive those wonderful years than we spent together. “Let’s play it again, for old time’s sake”.

Words by Alumni on BonHomie

Ravi Prakash Sharma

Thank you For Alumni Meet 2018

Thank you so much for an excellent Alumni Meet being organized by this institute. Moreover I thank you ma’am and Anand Alumni Association  for thinking so much for us. It was too much fun to be a part of this party. In addition the funny games , Bonfire , DJ night , Christmas carnival and events organized for us, by our College were lovely.

Thank you for creating this opportunity to meet our class mates and our seniors.This function is the reunion between us and our alma mater, that helped to shape our future.
We have come here out of our free will, because of our attachment to this place, our teachers.  It is not only to network, but also gain insight into various experiences and use others expertise to improve ourselves and if you agree – to catch up on the good old times.

Sahej Arora

Alumni Meet 2018

I just wanted to say thank you so much for organizing  Alumni Meet  in our college.
I really enjoyed those event & meet my classmates after 4 year.
Again thank you for Alumni Meet.

Himanshu Matharu

Alumni Meet 2018

“Alumni meet after Passing out to that great transformation agent who made a confident and ‘always ready for challenges’ boy capable enough to face the world of competition with confidence. Great organisation by the Anand Family.”

Meetups provides us an occasion to reflect on opportunities in our lives to give thanks. It is also a great time for recognizing the sense of family within our communities. I am constantly amazed by the reach and passion of our Anand family, for the family, by the family. This Alumni meet gave me a sense of responsibility for my Anand family who has given so much to me. The 390 degree development has really developed me to take future challenges.

One opportunity I am really excited about is the continued growth and development of our Anand College that is directed by our own Anand family. All thanks to you ma’am.
The work Anand family is doing to help pair our current students with alumni is incredibly powerful. We are building a professional network full of potential and energy.

In closing I would be remised if I didn’t say thank you to everyone that made it back to campus to celebrate our 1st anniversary after passing out. We had a remarkable time recognizing our Distinguished Alumni and faculties as they celebrated their first very successful Alumni meet.

On behalf of Respected Chairperson, Mr. Manoj Mittal Sir and Vice Chairperson Ms. Monika Mittal, I oath to be a successful book in the library of Anand family.

Punit Chhangani

Thanking For Alumni meet

I write this email to you as a proud alumnus of AICE. I would like to  thank you personally for placing your students well being as highest priority and organising the alumni meet last month.
It was overwhelming to see everyone after years and relive the memories that we have had here. Looking back at the first year, it feels like it happened just yesterday.
I would also like thank all the teachers who provided direction to our knowledge and shape to our future. We were lucky to have such outlook personalities as our lecturers. We will forever be indebted to them and to you.
Thank you for making it a very special moment for all of us. I will always cherish that moment.

Richa Tyagi

Bonhomie Alumni Meet 2018

I wish you say to you that the event organized by you was amazing. It was such a beautiful event and we collected a lot of memories again. This was a beautiful idea of Alumni. I hope you’ll organize again and again this type of event.
It was pleasure for us to come to college again.