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How to Know Which Engineering Stream is Best for Me in 2021?

Engineering is probably one field that encompasses virtually every other field of study in some subtle manner. The best people in this field have had exposure to the arts as well as music and sciences. They have been passionate and reasonably curious about how and why certain things happen and what makes those things click.

Such a huge hunger for phenomena unknown makes certain minds different from the others and that is what makes them search. Engineering gives these minds the flight to creativity and lets them decipher greater possibilities.

Now let’s try and understand how engineering and technology combine to create marvels and how can you join the premier top 10 B-tech colleges in Jaipur to advance in your career.

Thomas Edison tried to create the electric bulb and he failed a thousand times. Only in two cases did Edison’s experiments prove his theory, his difficulty actually was in constructing the carbon filament.

Edison was of the opinion that the heat of the filament was of his light and it was this that made him try. He finally succeeded when he used a cotton thread filament which turned into a soft orange glow when voltage was passed through it.

But unfortunately, this light lasted only fifteen hours before finally burning out. Later gases like argon nitrogen and sometimes Krypton were used to hold filament evaporation. 

Such was the consistency required to create a light bulb. Once it was created it turned into technology but initially, it was engineering that gave it the platform for experimentation.

Hence it may not be enough for a person to be an engineer alone but a visionary who can convulse practicality with theory and work upon it with the zeal of an ant. That can only be learned from faculties of top B-tech college in Jaipur.

Top-ranked B-tech Colleges in Jaipur Offer Different Kinds of Courses

Engineering streams only differentiate the field of work that one is willing to take up and will finally work on. Thus it becomes very imperative to have a particular interest that would cumulatively build the professional in a particular field of activity.

Computer Science Engineering from the top B-tech College

Computer science engineering stands out as the only field that seems not to necessarily fit into engineering activity. But since it involves a specific skill and equipment that works on electricity and also because coding a program is more of mathematical activity, the entire field was thought to be closer to the sciences rather than the arts.

Mechanical Engineering from the infrastructure-rich B-tech College

Mechanical engineering is a purely technical field that teaches a person the dynamics of motors and how they work; probably the most outstanding stream of engineering involves a micro look into the basic nature of how machines function and how they can be made smaller and more efficient.

The Japanese are the best example of how mechanical engineering developed prototypes of the huge automobiles of the ’40s and ’50s and made them leaner and more agile and how they finally changed the way the world looked at cars. Where the big cars would have 40,000 plus small and medium parts the Japanese cars would have only about 20,000.

The electric vehicles about to hit the markets would surprisingly have just about 20 moving parts. One can imagine the sheer genius that has gone into mechanical engineering over just about 6 decades. Jet propulsion engines and turbines have made modern aviation and space travel much easier and very big in their scope.

Electrical Engineering from the Elite B-tech College

Electrical Engineering has completely changed the modern home. The obsolete electric bulb has been taken over by the led bulbs. Air conditioners and gadgetry has made life more comfortable. Power lines have gone underground. Power generation has shifted from conventional methods to nuclear and solar energy.

Power transmission is now looking at wireless supply and may in a few years tap the moon for electricity transmitted without wires to earth stations and further supplied to homes and industry here. Trains are being run on electric current and if speculations are to be believed we may soon have an elevator to space.

Civil Engineering Degree Course from the Best B-tech College

Civil engineering comes with its own charms and has created wonders in the way we live. Construction has come of age and with the advent of heavy machinery and construction material, modern buildings have become stronger and safer, and obviously more stylish. Engineering marvels such as the world’s highest railway bridge connecting Kashmir to Kanyakumari over the river Chenab is India’s answer to the world in civil engineering. Probably one of the oldest forms of engineering this stream stands out as a challenge and is always one of the toughest of all streams since it involves extensive fieldwork.

However, the world was always an engineer’s making much before the streams came into being. The pyramids of Egypt and the Temples and forts of India are still a wonder and nobody is quite sure about just how they were built centuries back. The Kailash temple in Maharashtra is a structure completely carved out of a mountain and no modern civil engineer has any idea on how such a massive structure was made when there were no extraction machines and where exactly 2000 tons of rock were excavated actually go.

The speculations and theories are multiple but one thing remains completely proven. THAT ENGINEERING IS A DIVINE FORM OF study the roots of which go down into Indian and Greek mythology. The Mahabharata is in itself an epitome of discovery when it comes to all the streams. There are hundreds of theories that suggest that all the four streams of engineering were not only practiced but were even far ahead of their times.

So, if you are looking at taking a degree in engineering from B-tech colleges in Jaipur don’t look ahead, look to your past and see the marvels this field of study has created for the future we live in and you would inherit.