0141-2600231, 4109030  
Undergraduate Program

Best College for Electrical Engineering in Jaipur

About The Department

The School of Electrical & Power Engineering deals with the technology of electricity, especially the design, application of circuitry and equipment for generation and distribution, controllers, instrumentation, etc. We aim to provide advanced knowledge to the students with the help of modern tools and programs in order to reduce the complexity in real-time problems as well as to develop insight in relating theoretical concepts with practical applications so as to adopt the industrial technologies when they complete their course work. Only the best electrical engineering colleges in Jaipur can help you excel in the field of electrical engineering with their faculties, profound knowledge, world-class infrastructure, and other amenities.

Department Vision And Mission

To provide the value based application centric holistic knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering towards the betterment of humankind and the nature.


  1. To enhance employability, entrepreneurship, ethical and social values among students.
  2. To provide advanced knowledge with the help of modern tools and programs.
  3. To enhance the practical knowledge that can help the individual to adopt the learning of industrial technologies while they complete their course work.

Message From The Head

On behalf of our students and faculty, it is my privilege to welcome all of you to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Anand-ICE– one of the top private electrical engineering college in Jaipur. We take pride in our faculty, a team of highly capable and dedicated professionals, most of whom have academic and industrial experience and degrees from leading universities of the India.
We focus to enhance employability, entrepreneurship, ethical and social values among students & to provide advanced knowledge with the help of modern tools and programs that can help the individual to adopt the learning of industrial technologies while they complete their course work.
We encourage students, parents and prospective students to go through the information provided on the website and join us.
“Come and join with us this beautiful and exciting world of Electrical Engineering which is full of opportunities and challenges.”

Faculty Details


Highlight Of The Department

  1. Departmental Achievement:
    •  FDPs-01
    • Research Paper-10
    • Industrial Visits-10
    • Expert Lectures-02
    •  Workshops-01
    • Awarded Centre of Excellence in Electric Vehicles
  2. Student Achievement:

    Harsh Sharma , III Year Electrical

    He is a passionate Muay thai player and has participated in various inter-college, national-level and international-level sports competitions, where has represented his college& India and has brought glory.

Department Laboratories

Being one of the best electrical engineering college in Jaipur, Anand-ICE is equipped with world-class laboratories and the latest software towards the need for modern-day learning such as:


MATLAB is an essential tool for electrical engineers in both academia and industry. It provides a comprehensive platform for modeling, simulating, and analyzing electrical systems. MATLAB is widely used in electrical engineering colleges for teaching and research. Students can use MATLAB to develop algorithms, simulate electrical systems, and analyze experimental data, enhancing their understanding of electrical engineering principles.

Power Electronics & Drives Lab

This lab is equipped with advanced power electronic devices and equipment such as inverters, converters, and motor drives, which are used to perform various experiments related to power electronics. The lab provides students with hands-on experience in designing, building, and testing power electronic systems, which enhances their understanding of power electronics principles.

Machine Lab

The lab is equipped with advanced electrical machines and equipment such as DC and AC motors, transformers, and generators, which are used to perform various experiments related to electrical machines. The lab provides students with hands-on experience in designing, building, and testing electrical machines, which enhances their understanding of electrical machine principles.

PCB Design Lab

The PCB design Lab is a specialized laboratory that focuses on practical experiments related to printed circuit board (PCB) design. This lab is equipped with advanced software tools which are used to design and simulate PCBs. The lab provides students with hands-on experience in designing, building, and testing PCBs, which enhances their understanding of PCB design principles. The PCB design Lab is an essential facility for electrical engineering students who wish to pursue a career in circuit design or related fields.

Control System Lab

The Control System Lab is a specialized laboratory that focuses on practical experiments related to control systems. The lab is equipped with advanced hardware and software tools such as MATLAB/Simulink, microcontrollers, which are used to design and test various control systems. The lab provides students with hands-on experience in designing, building, and testing control systems, which enhances their understanding of control system principles.

Power System Lab

This lab provides a platform for students to understand the fundamentals of electrical power generation, transmission, distribution, and protection. It enables students to simulate and analyze different power system scenarios and provides a practical understanding of the challenges and complexities associated with modern power systems.

Measurement & Instrumentation Lab

This lab provides students with hands-on experience in understanding the principles of measurements, different types of sensors, and transducers used in instrumentation systems. Students can also learn about various signal conditioning circuits, data acquisition techniques, and calibration procedures used in measuring instruments.


What is Electrical Engineering?

Electrical Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with electrical technology. Tiny machines which run on electricity to large transformers are being studied in this branch. Electricity is not just limited to household appliances, but without electricity, we cannot imagine any industry either is a software company or a manufacturing company.

We can divide electrical engineering into these subfields as per its applications

  • Power System
  • Power Electronics
  • Control system
  • Instrumentations
  • Electrical vehicles
  • Digital Computers
  • Telecommunications
  • Control system

What is the future of Electrical Engineering?

In India, electrical engineering never goes out of demand, as from a small household electrical instrument to the giant machines in the industries that need electricity to operate, and this is why opportunities are always open for Electrical engineers. Electrical engineers find their place in all kinds of industries.

Electrical engineers can work in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy. There are ample jobs in the public as well as private sectors like railways, metros, power plants, electrical designs, and all kinds of manufacturing industries.

There is some name of Electrical companies.

ABB, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Coal India Limited (CIL), Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL), Wipro Lighting are the big names for hiring Electrical Engineers.

Apart from their own field, a graduate from electrical engineering can opt for other fields like PSU jobs, software companies, other industries of construction and design, and the research field.

The future of electrical engineering is so waste as we are seeing the demand for electric vehicles and solar energy and in the upcoming future, electrical engineers will be in demand for sure.

What electrical engineers do?

Electrical engineering performs the key roles in designing, to develop, testing the machines; manage the operations and manufacturing of electrical equipment for the use of an electrical system.
Generally you will find an electrical engineer in the field of power, so they perform the task in power generation, power transmission and power distribution companies as well as in the industries which design and manufacture the electrical equipment’s.

The electrical engineers are required everywhere as no industry can be operated without electricity that is why in every sector electrical engineers always find their place.

What is difference between electrical and electronics engineering?

It always sounds similar but it’s not as except few basic things electrical and electronics engineering are completely different branches. both branches are based on moving electricity in a circuit and then use that power to operate the machines but that is where these branches are the same rest of the things are completely different.

We can understand with a basic concept that the use of electronics is to control and electrical is to being control. The electrical circuits simply transmit the power to the machine whereas the electronic circuit can interpret a signal and process the signal according to the instructions we can understand this by a microwave which gives an alarm notification when the meal is ready to eat.

Generally, we use alternating current supply in electrical equipment and direct current supply in electronics. The range of voltages and signals are very low in electronics and that is why we use the signals of microvolt, millivolt or a few volts, but in electrical the devices are operated in hundred to thousand of volts and that is why the power in electrical is termed as kilowatt, megawatt and same goes with the current too. This high voltage and current is required to operate the heavy motors, transformers, electric trains, and many industrial applications whereas the electronic equipment does not require that much power to operate. These circuits are designed on a printed circuit board and this is why the devices are often compact in size like digital watches, smart TVs, LED, laptops, smartphones, radio, PS-2 controllers, etc. come under electronics.

So these are some basics to understanding the difference between electrical and electronic engineering and in terms of technical differences we can find myriads of differences in these branches.

What are the basic of electrical engineering?

Electrical engineering is all about electricity terms most of the students already read in their senior school’s physics syllabus. The basics concepts and terms are current, voltage, resistance, power, charge, electrons if the students go from the start and understand the concepts it becomes easier to understand electrical engineering.
The course is based on understanding complex circuits and study about machines and their operations. The basic starts from the definition of charge, various laws related to electric voltage and current like ohm’s law, Faraday’s law, and Kirchhoff’s law with these laws and their applications it gets easier to go through.

Which is the best company for electrical engineering in India?

Here are the list of top electrical companies in India

  1. BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited)
  2. Havells India Limited
  3. Siemens Ltd
  4. ABB India Ltd
  5. Crompton Greaves Consumer Electrical Ltd
  6. Bajaj Electricals Ltd
  7. Wipro Lighting
  8. Alstom India Limited

What are the advantage to be an electrical engineer?

Electrical engineers are offered with a very handsome salary packages as the job required so much skills and experience.
Apart from their own field electrical engineers can work in a variety of sectors like computers, aerospace, telecommunications, manufacturing industries, etc.
With the additional courses and a good experience electrical engineers can go for the opportunities in management sectors.
As the electrical engineers study subjects associated with computers, electronics and management they find themselves very flexible to shift from any other branch according to good opportunities.