Title: Investigations of Multidimensional fractional diffusion-wave equations and their application to the study of dissipative physical processes
This proposal is devoted to the investigation in various independent and intertwined fields of classical and applicable analysis. One of the main goals of the project to develop methods of constructing exact and approximate solutions for fractional diffusion-wave equations with many spatial variables, to study their qualitative properties, and to elaborate the related models for dissipative mechanical and electrodynamic processes.
Funded Agency: Department of Science and Technology
Duration: 30-11-2018 to 29-11-2020
Funded Amount: Rs. 1182400/-
Outreach: Two Research papers published in SCI Indexing Journals
Title: Study of recent advances of special functions with Computer Algebra
Special functions have been used regularly by many researchers due to their remarkable properties. Computer algebra systems for many special functions play important roles in themselves and in their diverse applications. A number of researchers have been developed several symbolic computer algebraic systems such as Maple and Mathematica for special functions. The main goal of the project is to present new extensions of the special functions and their computer algebra algorithms. We also present some examples as an application.
Funded Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board
Duration: 27-Feb-2019 to 26-Feb-2022
Funded Amount: Rs. 1830000/-
Outreach: One Research paper published in SCI Indexing Journals
Title: Development of Zr and Ni-based metallic glasses and Surface modification for reprocessing applications
Abstract: The project was to develop the Zr- and Ni-based metallic glasses which can replace the traditional Stainless Steel for making a container for boiling the spent fuel in boiling nitric acid environment. The corrosion behavior of the newly developed alloys was calculated and it was found that the Zr-and Ni-based metallic glasses are highly corrosion resistant and can sustain for longer duration in a nitric acid environment.
Funded Agency: DAE/BRNS, Govt. Of India
Duration: 2012-2016
Funded Amount: Rs. 2500000/-
1. One Ph.D. Scholar completed the Ph.D.
2. Collaboration with premium research Institute such as IGCAR, Kalpakkam, BARC Mumbai, IUAC, Delhi was made in execution of the Research project.