Invest in These Skills to Outperform in Post-Covid19 Era

Invest in These Skills to Outperform in Post-Covid19 Era

“The job markets are essentially education driven and the employers strive to get the most qualified people on board.”

The above statement is totally inverse to the actual situation. The industry today has become monopolistic as far as brands are concerned. Modern advertising and product innovations have created niches in the industry and the company’s concerned need to focus on consistently meeting out varied expectations from their products over and over again.

Production lines constantly change when additional features need to be clipped to the products to enhance their life cycle.

More or less production is market-driven. A couple of years back things were not the same products did not face competition and their sales averaged the same numbers throughout the year. The need to innovate was not there. But with the changing times, requirements have become more diverse and all the more complex.

Life is uncertain

2019 saw one of the most unexpected things happening to the globe. A contagion spread across starting from China. It struck and killed relentlessly and has not ceased even in 2021. Unemployment has surged dramatically and people have been laid off in thousands. All those jobs that had people employed on degree power were the first to lose employment. Such has been the impact of this Pandemic that industry has had to cut down on production and some of them have had to see closure.

People especially the working class have been hit the hardest and there seems to be no respite from the financial losses that loom large.

These times have seen the working class make huge changes to their skill sets. Professionals who vouched by their experience have had to invest in developing completely new sets of skills to survive.

What survived the pandemic storm?

The most privileged have been the ones working for the IT industry, the engineers who had technical degree from the reputed engineering colleges of the country. This personnel is probably the only ones who have not or for that matter very minimally seen their jobs erode. IT companies were quick to evaluate that their work from home modes was saving them huge costs in office expenditure. In fact, the work from home setup was less draining even for the employees. These companies did not write off prevailing skill sets since this industry heavily relies on the constant updating of information and knowledge. Thus it has been a win-win situation for them. No wonder if we see a surge in students looking for best IT colleges in Jaipur or across the nation in these times.

The quicker you adapt the better

Unlike the IT industry, the bigger mechanical setups have had to diversify into creating additional resources and skilled manpower. Automobile giants have spruced up their corporate social responsibility and have produced sanitizers in bulk. They have had to strategically move to make ventilators and medical equipment to cater to the country’s needs. Thus their existing professionals have had to quickly adapt to a new set of skills.

Medical professionals have had the most challenging times. Right from the doctors on the floor to the pharma companies have been working round the clock to fill in the gaps. Pharma companies have had to quadruple their production capacities and hire more people with diverse skill sets to produce lifesaving vaccines.

For every industry IT played a vital role in keeping business running for companies across the globe during the pandemic. The IT colleges in Jaipur are affiliated to RTU (Rajasthan Technical University) that help in developing employment-ready engineers focusing on their overall development including communication skills, personality development, leadership skills, critical thinking and problem-solving ability.

Having good leadership skills is not only about leading from the front always. Communicating strategies is equally important. Encouraging others and embracing feedback and holding yourself accountable are probably one of the most in-demand skill sets. Similarly, the better the oral and written communication skills better the interdisciplinary knowledge for more effective leadership.

Flexibility and adaptability are also very in demand skill sets and employers keep a very keen eye on this one because as businesses see a very sharp rise in people working from home this skill set becomes critical and may last way beyond the time this pandemic lasts.

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are among the top skills that professionals lack today. In times when fake news and contrasting data is something to struggle with daily, it is critical that you can think clearly and rationally and this would be something people ought to be doing without realizing that they are doing it.

Technologically Savvy in digital skills is equally an important skill set. In fact, 82 percent of job vacancies now require digital skills. This pandemic has fueled the desperate need for specialists in digital skill sets to help businesses become aligned.

Similarly, Communication and emotional intelligence would be required for genuine human connection and understanding in every job role. These skill sets would help cement trust and retain high productivity levels.

Creativity and innovation would still be a unique skill to think outside the box. Creativity today is not associated with creative professions only. It is essential across every industry and sector. No wonder why IT colleges in Jaipur are focusing on the overall development of the student. The business landscape in the coming years would require evolving and adapt rapidly in order to steer the business through challenges and opportunities.

Final words

There are a lot of unknowns that the world will seek post COVID-19. But you can be sure that life won’t return to how we saw it. As new opportunities come in what one can make sure is that one is a strong candidate when navigating a competitive job market. It is said that by 2030 all jobs will be soft skill-intensive occupations. And of course tech being the core of it all, the B.Tech admissions in IT colleges in Jaipur, but not limited, are likely to surge in the coming years. Hence developing and enhancing these is the key to success in the coming times.